Forums - To Rushdown Experts: How is Magneto's rushdown done Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- To Rushdown Experts: How is Magneto's rushdown done ( Posted by Cody1378 on 07:26:2001 03:25 PM: To Rushdown Experts: How is Magneto's rushdown done I'm having alot of trouble trying to get a rushdown forming with magneto. I don't really know what kind of questions i could ask you guys except how do you do a rushdown. Do you dash forward do a move, jump back, dash down-forward do a move. Jump up dash down do a move? Is that how it's done, or am i totally lost here. And if you do moves do you dash in at them with his fierce punch or his light kicks or jabs. I saw someone do it on me and i want to learn how to do it. If you can help thanks! Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 03:38 PM: Learn triangle jumping: Jump at them with Rk, Super jump, Dash Df, Rk, call assist sometimes. Basically that. And air combo when possible. Posted by Drakeon on 07:26:2001 03:50 PM: *sigh* It all depends on who your assists are at times. My team is called TeamDash Down Basically Mag,Storm,DocD. All3 of there Assist is used for the others dash down to corner em and get a rush down going. When i plan on using magnus for the main time or have him come out first storm gets proj and docD gets anti. Simply call storm dash in super jump cancle into dashdown dd.lp dd.lp (storm should be hittin and or leavin screen) land call docD superjump this is a split second thing u are barely off the ground. cancle dashdown (docD should be pushing him in corner and or trapping him) dd.lp dd.lp land call docD superjump and start over. Now if u hit them with the low kick and u want to link a c.hp and air combo thats all good but if u want hit damage and guard damage em in the corner for most of the round then stay but its all good if your fast anuff to do both. Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 03:51 PM: is it possible to triangle jump in a dc controller??? i can't air dash cancel that quik on that piece of shit... oh well... soon i hope to have a MAS... if i can part with the cash... {;_;} Posted by Drakeon on 07:26:2001 04:10 PM: Oh hell yes it is. How I start out on learning is to switch your trigger button right or left to lp+hp this is so u can just push that and he will dash. So practice using that to learn the combos once u go them down then just practice doing them with your fingers. Sometimes i play it like i play tekken or and arcade game I use my pointer and middle to push the buttons but if im just playing ill use my thumb and since the gamin system is pretty fast u can do a triangle jump with that too. Jump turn your thump slightly so it hits the lp and hp more than the kicks and just hit it 2 times fast the first time dashes and the second time hits em punch or kick since u cant dash 2 times it automatically thinks your punchin or kickin but those are good ways to practice. And if u are at the arcade alot get an arcade stick ( kinda differnt on the reaction ) or play at the arcade put some coins in the 2nd player spot and just practice like that......and or beat on scrubs Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 04:22 PM: thanks. yeah, well igot mvc2 and dc to get better at the arcade and beat good peepes, you know.... that is why i wanna get a good stick...... c yah. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:26:2001 04:37 PM: what do you mean is it possible sure it is just press lp+hp at the same time??? i dont get it why are you moving your button configuration??? just your your index and bird finger when you play dont use your thumb. Oh and the rushdown use physlocke and do the justin wong kicks mix up the high and low game and throw Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 04:41 PM: yeah but you must admit the dc controller is whorishly designed and not worth the plastic its made of let alone 20 bucks... especially when you are used to the arcade. Posted by Drakeon on 07:27:2001 03:22 AM: Maybe its just me I hear alot of people say that about the style but i love it i like the triggers where they are instead of being higher up like on the ps.ps2 Posted by Naslectronical on 07:27:2001 03:51 AM: There really is no specific way to rushdown with Magneto. As long as you can stay on your opponent, avoid their AAA's, and your do damage and build meter, then you're doing it right. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:27:2001 05:00 AM: The hard part is avoiding their AAA i think thats why Justin Wong uses cammy and times her assists to counter opponenets assist so he has wide open space for rushdown with magneto. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:38 PM. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.